Katie Pedersen, Melissa Mancini, David Common
Latest from Katie Pedersen, Melissa Mancini, David Common
Why some nursing homes won't let families install 'granny cams' to check on their loved ones
So-called granny cams are increasingly used by families to keep an eye on their loved ones in long-term care homes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person visits aren't possible. But some homes worry the cameras expose them to legal risk and have been hesitant to allow ones that record audio.
Canada |

Seniors' homes using 'trespass orders' to ban family members from visiting
Mary Sardelis was banned from seeing her mom in an Ottawa seniors home for almost a year under Ontario's Trespass to Property Act, legislation that, some experts say, is being increasingly used to keep out family members who complain about conditions in retirement and long-term care homes.
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