Ice Age ecosystem uncovered in Colorado
Scientists say an excavation site in western Colorado is revealing an entire Ice Age ecosystem.
"It is truly uncommon to get all parts of a fossil ecosystem preserved in one place," said Ian Miller, the museum's curator of paleontology and chair of the earth sciences department. "Instead of having just a piece of the ecosystem to tell the story, you've got all aspects of it. It's one of the most exciting scientific discoveries I've ever worked on."
The discovery is attracting attention as there are very few sites in North America that contain both mammoth and mastodon remains in one location, according to the Denver museum. It added that the Columbian mammoth unearthed in October also appears to be the most complete mammoth fossil found at high elevation in Colorado.
The museum is bringing in more experts, including University of Michigan paleontologist Daniel Fisher, lead curator of a travelling exhibit on mammoths and mastodons assembled by the Field Museum in Chicago.