Globe's new style of debate turns heads, some channels
A slow start and seering moderator David Walmsley draws Twitter criticism

The leaders of the three main federal parties met Thursday for a heated discussion about the economy during the Globe and Mail's leadership debate, and online, some serious shade was thrown.
The debate's slow start sparked some early social media snark.
Eager to watch the political showdown, at the top of the hour (8 p.m. ET) Canadians tuned in — or clicked in — to find, not the familiar faces of their leaders, but a panel of Globe journalists giving some extended pre-game commentary.
The internet wasn't happy with the delay.
Wake me up when <a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> starts. <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href=""></a>
This is ridiculous. <a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a>
This <a href="">@globeandmail</a> pre-show is terrible. Start the debate already. <a href="">#elxn42</a>
Gotta say I didn't plan on the extended pre-game show. <a href="">#globeDebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a>
Soon people were threatening to change the channel to the Blue Jays game. They were playing the Atlanta Braves tonight.
Blue Jays are threatening… I’m flipping. <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href="">#cdnpoli</a>
Well I guess I'll watch the Jays game until these talking heads shut up <a href="">#globedebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href="">#cdnecon</a>
You know what is a lot better than this <a href="">#leadersdebate</a> ? Baseball. <a href="">#gojays</a> Consortium wld have been far better <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href="">#cdnpoli</a> <a href="">#GlobeDebate</a>
Of course, it wasn't long before the GIFs started popping up as well.
What is this? <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> means only Globe reporters get to debate, apparently. <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a> <a href=""></a>
For a minute there, it felt like the pre-game show could go on forever ...
Make them stop!!! <a href="">#globedebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a>
And that's when things finally got going ...
That is, right after a short video montage.
But first?!!??? I thought this was the but first ? <a href="">#GlobeDebate</a> <a href="">#elxn42</a>
The debate was moderated by Globe and Mail editor in chief David Walmsley, who stirred up some controversy of his own.
Oh thank God, there's Walmsley. Now we get down to business.
Walmsley took a different approach to moderating than Canadians are used to and some didn't appreciate it.
"I love David Walmsley's editorializing" said no-one <a href="">#elxn42</a>
.<a href="">@kady</a> <a href="">@WalmsleyGlobe</a> is out of his element <a href=""></a>
Tell <a href="">@WalmsleyGlobe</a> what you thought of his editorializing moderation. (Don't quit your day job, Dave.)
But no matter how you felt about the debate, there was one thing on TV tonight that did seem to unite Canadians...
TORONTO BLUE JAYS WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5-0, baby.
Maybe it was worth changing the channel after all?