Ghostbusters director Paul Feig reveals new Ecto-1 hearse
Customized Cadillac hearse pleases some fans, leaves others flat
In the latest of his teasing tweets about the new Ghostbusters movie, director Paul Feig revealed perhaps the most anticipated prop: the Ecto-1 car that will carry the cast around New York City.
<a href="">#whattheygonnadrive</a> <a href=""></a>
The photo of customized 1980s-era Cadillac hearse is the latest detail about the upcoming film Feig has posted to Twitter, after the cast, uniforms and the proton pack.
Feig even obliged a fan who requested a shot of the rear of the new Ecto-1.
<a href="">@szewcik_james</a> Okay. <a href=""></a>

Feig also changed his Twitter profile picture to a shot of the car's ghostly hood ornament.
The tweet came a week after Feig posted photos of the Ghostbusters' coveralls — complete with boots, gloves and safety orange stripes — and the new proton pack, the equipment they use to contain and capture their quarry.
Many Ghostbusters fans were excited to see the new Ecto-1.
<a href="">@paulfeig</a>: OMG YES!!!!!!!!!! I'm a hardcore <a href="">#Ghostbusters</a> fan and I LOVE this!
<a href="">@paulfeig</a> AWESOME!
<a href="">@paulfeig</a> This is the Ghostbusteriest of all possible Ecto 1 car model choices. Superb!
Others were not happy with the design, and Fieg responded to some of the criticism.
<a href="">@paulfeig</a> i'm not sure if you're either blocking or deleting all negative tweets about this, but it looks terrible. I'm saying that as a fan
Not blocking or deleting. I hear you all and appreciate all your input, good or bad. Thanks. <a href=""></a>
The original Ecto-1 from 1984's Ghostbusters was also built on a Cadillac Professional ambulance/hearse chassis, but from the 1959 model year, as evidenced by its iconic fins and white-wall tires.
Losing faith in the new <a href="">#Ghostbusters</a>. The new car's nice but is NOTHING compared to Ecto-1... <a href="">#whattheygonnadrive</a> <a href=""></a>
Some of the criticism pointed out that the car looks like something a fan group would build for a sci-fi convention.
In fact, a San Francisco-area posted a photo of their surprisingly similar version of Ecto-1.
<a href="">@paulfeig</a> thanks for featuring our Ecto! <a href=""></a>