Ben Carson's baffling 'fruit salad' comment feeds social media

During Thursday night's GOP debate, Ben Carson said that he would look at "the fruit salad of their life" when asked how he would pick a Supreme Court nominee, and in turn, social media went bananas.
"As president, I would go through and I would look at what a person's life has been," the Republican presidential candidate said during debate at the University of Houston.
"What have they done in the past, what kind of judgments have they made? What kind of associations do they have? That will tell you a lot more than an interview will tell you," he said.
"The fruit salad of their life is what I will look at," said Carson.
Twitter ate up the baffling quote and spit it out
Ben Carson and fruit salad <a href=""></a>
"The <a href="">#FruitSalad</a> of Their Life" <a href="">#GOPDebate</a> <a href=""></a>
My tell-all is going to be called The Fruit Salad Of Their Lives
In the fruit salad of this campaign, Ben Carson is the honeydew.
"The Fruit Salad Of Their Life" It's over, we have our next President. Everyone can go home. <a href="">#GOPDebate</a>
The hand gestures of fellow candidate John Kasich — which have generated reaction their own — got into the meme mix
John Kasich is apparently against "the fruit salad of their life" that Ben Carson believes in. <a href="">#GOPDebate</a> <a href=""></a>
Carson, who is trailing in the polls, later explained the fruit salad metaphor was a biblical reference.
"There's a verse in the Bible that says, 'by their fruit, you will know them,'" Carson explained to ABC News after the debate. "So, obviously, you know, how they live their lives, what it produces, that's the fruit salad of their life."
" And Lo, a new candidate didth appear .... the fruit salad of their life. <a href="">#GOPDebate</a> <a href=""></a>