Hillary Clinton, Democrats react to balloons at DNC like seeing snow for the 1st time
Former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack reportedly seen popping balloons with his mouth

Hillary Clinton's big speech last night drew wild enthusiasm from Democratic convention-goers in Philadelphia, but the joy didn't end there.
The tens of thousands of balloons that came floating down from the rafters of the Wells Fargo Centre had them reacting as if they were seeing snow for the first time.
After Clinton capped the four-day convention by accepting the party's nomination, becoming the first woman presidential candidate, Democrats who had listened to her historic speech were showered with red, white and blue balloons.
Among those letting their inner child take over were former president Bill Clinton, who could be seen tossing and kicking balloons to celebrate his wife's nomination and empowering speech.
Democrats, it seemed, aimed to prove themselves as the party of celebratory oxygen-filled balls of latex, a week after Republicans dropped more than 125,000 balloons at their convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
I was in the midst of the balloon drop, as you can see <a href="https://t.co/szAAtphVai">pic.twitter.com/szAAtphVai</a>
For many, including Clinton herself, it was like seeing snow for the first time.

UPDATE: I believe this is former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack popping a balloon with his mouth <a href="https://t.co/OSnlblnDiS">pic.twitter.com/OSnlblnDiS</a>

Clinton's husband, former president Bill Clinton, got a kick out of it.

My first ever <a href="https://twitter.com/giphy">@giphy</a> is of <a href="https://twitter.com/billclinton">@BillClinton</a> kicking balloons at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DNC?src=hash">#DNC</a> because everything else is just way too many feels <a href="https://t.co/zSH8MMJOPo">https://t.co/zSH8MMJOPo</a>

BILL! God, he was made for GIFs. <a href="https://t.co/ljwZkxmaJy">pic.twitter.com/ljwZkxmaJy</a>
Like with snow, the cleanup afterwards was considerably less fun.

What happens after a billion balloons fall from the ceiling? Someone has to pop them <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemsInPhilly?src=hash">#DemsInPhilly</a> <a href="https://t.co/q1lC5HjmO3">pic.twitter.com/q1lC5HjmO3</a>

This is somebody's job right now!!!!!!!!! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DemsInPhilly?src=hash">#DemsInPhilly</a> <a href="https://t.co/6DZHXd6AAx">pic.twitter.com/6DZHXd6AAx</a>
With files from The Associated Press