Millennial frustration with the Brexit vote
Young Brits decry referendum results using hash tag #NotInMyName

As the results of Thursday's nail-biting Brexit vote came rolling in, some of the strongest reactions came from young people in the U.K.
London-based political pollster Joe Twyman previously told CBC News that younger voters were more likely to vote Remain, but they were not in the age group targeted by Brexit campaigns.
"There may be a proportion of young people who strongly want to stay in the EU, but don't actually get out to vote," Twyman said. "Getting those people engaged is crucial."
They were certainly engaged once it was clear that Brits had decided to leave the EU by a margin of just four per cent. The hashtag #NotInMyName began trending on Twitter early Friday morning, with many users denouncing the results.
Our country's fate has been decided by people longing for a past that never existed, & they've created a future that's bleak <a href="">#NotInMyName</a>
<a href="">#NotInMyName</a> and a decision you don't have to live with: <a href=""></a>
Went to sleep in the 21st century. Woke up in some far-right, medievalist nightmare. I worry for my childrens' future. <a href="">#NotInMyName</a>
Absolutely devastated. Fear and ignorance has won over tolerance and unity. This result doesn't speak for me. <a href="">#NotInMyName</a>
A common complaint was the view that the outcome was decided by older voters who won't face the consequences of their vote, while British youth will face further economic hurdles.
Young people today don't own houses, have no pensions, uni costs £30k and now we've lost the right to live & work in 27 other countries.
Was <a href="">#Brexit</a> a generational vote? Very much so, says <a href="">@StevenErlanger</a>. 75% of those under 24 voted remain. 70% of 55+ voted to leave.
The 48 per cent of voters who wanted to remain in the EU were so disturbed by the result that a parliamentary petition calling for a second referendum has already exceeded the 100,000 signatures required to debate the issue in Parliament.
One Leave voter told Britain's Channel 5 news she is now regretting her decision and wants the chance to vote again.
Been hearing people like this all day, and they're making me just more angry <a href=""></a>
Another divide between Remain and Leave supporters was what they considered to be the salient issues. Leave voters cited immigration and national sovereignty, while Remain voters cited jobs and the economy.
One Financial Times reader's comment is making the rounds on social media for his take on the generation gap.
The most articulate take on <a href="">#Brexit</a> is actually this FT reader comment today. <a href=""></a>
With the British pound plummeting to its lowest point since 1985, Prime Minister David Cameron announcing his departure, and EU leaders calling for a speedy Brexit, Brits are in for a sobering post-mortem.
<a href="">#Brexit</a> - The GIF. <a href=""></a>