Photographic proof that Canada's east coast is basically the ice planet Hoth right now
'Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!'
Friday may be the first day of Spring, but Canada's eastern provinces are still living in a world that most closely resembles the ice planet of Hoth.
Possibly your best bet for tomorrow's commute. <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href="">#cbcns</a> <a href=""></a>
The situation has many east coasters declaring surrender

<a href="">@BrianHigginsCBC</a> bigger banks <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@BrianHigginsCBC</a> here's the banks in malpeque. <a href=""></a>
How many times in 1 week does this have to happen? <a href="">#pei</a> <a href="">#peistorm</a> <a href="">#atlstorm</a> <a href="">#winterIsurrender</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
Unbelievable. <a href=""></a>
And the winner is ... <a href="">#snowmageddon2015</a> ... Eddie Duggan from French River, PEI <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a>
I found Halifax's version of the wall from Game Of Thrones. <a href="">#wallofsnow</a> <a href="">@haligonia</a> <a href="">#halifax</a> <a href="">#NSstorm</a> <a href=""></a>
CBC even started a hashtag: #WinterISurrender
My neighbour has extended the pole on his white flag of surrender <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">#cbcns</a>
The living room window. <a href="">#pei</a> <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a>
Bring on Spring. <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a>
Some are so angry they're ready to turn to violence
<a href="">@CBCNS</a> <a href="">@RCMPNS</a> <a href="">@HfxRegPolice</a> I decided this morning more drastic measures were necessary. <a href="">#oldmanwinter</a> <a href="">#ihatewinter</a> <a href=""></a>
*This photo, thankfully, is not from the recent east coast storms
Others have become unintended casualties
<a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> because this poor guy got blown away by a plow truck! Shoutout to <a href="">@MathesonKatie</a> for the original! <a href=""></a>
Just another day in Snova Scotia
<a href="">@MarilynDenisCTV</a> Not in Snova Scotia - it's been cancelled. <a href=""></a>
This is a real problem right now

People seriously cannot find their cars
Wind & snow r slowing down, there is a driveway & SUV under the snow, or at least there was before the storm stared <a href=""></a>
<a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> yeah, that little strip of purple is my car :( <a href=""></a>
And forget about parking
Soon to disappear Parking meter in downtown Halifax. <a href="">#winterISurrender</a> <a href="">#cbcns</a> <a href=""></a>
Do I have to pay? <a href="">#halifax</a> <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a>
Actually, forget about driving at all
Sitting in my SUV that I backed into the driveway yesterday to make it easier to drive out today. <a href="">@islandmorning</a> <a href=""></a>
Unless you've got one of these
... Wait, scrap that
Poor stuck bobcat! <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href="">#nsstorm</a> was doing his best to get by (car to right, off road, but on sidewalk) <a href=""></a>
Getting the mail is a challenge

And so is just walking

People miss spring so much they're doing this

And this
<a href="">#nsstorm</a>. <a href="">#WinterISurrender</a> <a href=""></a>
And this

What the east coast really needs right now is a hero
I heard that Halifax needed a hero. <a href="">#justiceleague</a> <a href="">#halifax</a> <a href="">#wonderwoman</a> <a href="">@haligonia</a>.ca <a href="">@Live105HRM</a> <a href=""></a>
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope"