Republicans take to Twitter to roast Democratic Party debate
Featuring: Russia, Hillary Clinton and allegations of racism

Democratic presidential hopefuls squared off Tuesday night in Las Vegas for the U.S. election campaign's first candidates' debate, while Republican candidates also had plenty to say — on Twitter.
Not every Republican tweeted their reactions to the proceedings, but those who did, did so prolifically.
It was like a visit to the player hater's ball.
Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight!
Democrats are debating whether capitalism is a good thing. Naturally. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
It’s clear the Democrats on stage tonight are running for Obama’s 3rd term. Join me if you’re ready to stop them: <a href=""></a>
Marijuana question appropriate. Democrats smoking it if they think their policies will save this country. <a href="">#DemDebate</a> <a href="">#ImWithHuck</a>
Trust any of these candidates to stand up to the Iranian Ayatollahs, ISIL, & Putin? Yeah, me neither! <a href="">#Demdebate</a> <a href="">#ISIL</a>
Trump spent much of the time picking on individual Democrats.
Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.
O'Malley, as former Mayor of Baltimore, has very little chance.
"<a href="">@FrankGuaragna</a>: <a href="">@realDonaldTrump</a> OMalley destroyed Maryland.. True, he was a disaster.
All are very scripted and rehearsed, two (at least) should not be on the stage.
Mike Huckabee made some of his more controversial views known.
They believe climate change is a greater threat than Islamic extremism, that a sunburn is worse than a beheading. It's nonsense! <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
And was eventually accused of racism.
I trust <a href="">@BernieSanders</a> with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador! <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Poor liberals think it's racist to deplore a brutal dictatorship. <a href="">#DemDebate</a> <a href=""></a>
Racism exists because we have a sin problem in America, not a skin problem. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
The Republican candidates took on some well-established nemeses, including:
Vladimir Putin.
I wouldn't worry about antagonizing the Russians, for starters. They should worry about antagonizing us. <a href=""></a>
Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
And Hillary Clinton.
If you think this country is on the wrong track, Hillary Clinton just told you she has no interest in changing direction. I sure will.
At <a href="">#DemDebate</a>, Hillary will demonstrate her high level of intelligence by managing to remember, on every issue, the side she's currently on.
Clinton's emails touched a nerve.
The hardest thing Clinton has to do is defend her bad decision making including Iraq vote, e-mails etc.
.<a href="">@HillaryClinton</a> - You may not want to talk about your emails, but you're not above the law. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
The Republicans were as determined as ever to discuss the 2012 attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi.
Wake up, <a href="">@HillaryClinton</a>. You know who else was "burning up the phone lines begging for help"... <a href="">#Benghazi</a> <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
.<a href="">@HillaryClinton</a> why didn’t you appear on TV to explain Benghazi? Where were you when those Americans were being murdered? <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
And seemed intent on reminding us of whose lives matter.
Black lives matter because ALL lives matter. Haven't we learned from history? <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
ALL lives matter. It's time we stop burning cars, shooting cops, & recognize that life is a gift from God. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Don’t throw all cops under the bus because of terrible actions of a few. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Some thought the Democrats weren't sticking to the real issues.
Phrases you won’t hear at the <a href="">#DemDebate</a>: Radical Islam, wasteful spending, baby organ harvesting, illegal immigration, or school choice.
Do I have this right? Middle class stuck, <a href="">#radicalIslam</a> running wild & let's continue polices of last 7 yrs <a href="">#makesnofreakingsense</a> <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Even though there were a few compliments.
.<a href="">@JimWebbUSA</a> is a war hero by any definition <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Good move by Bernie S.
And some half-compliments.
.<a href="">@BernieSanders</a> is a good man who would be a disastrous Commander-In-Chief in these dangerous times. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>
Keeping up with it all was exhausting.
<a href="">#DemDebate</a> was really boring but had a lot of fun live tweeting and picked up by far the most followers.
Can’t take it any longer. Wouldn’t make Gitmo detainees watch all of this. Good luck <a href="">@TheDemocrats</a>, you’re going to need it. <a href="">#DemDebate</a>