Royal baby birth heralded by politicians, fans and brands on social media
Official Canadian well-wishes come from Gov. Gen. David Johnston, Liberal Leader Trudeau

Congratulatory cheers for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's newborn daughter echoed over social media just as they did outside St. Mary's Hospital in London, with politicians and Royal Family fans cheering the arrival of the little princess.
Kensington Palace said in a brief statement that Prince William's wife "was safely delivered of a daughter" at 8:34 a.m. London time, less than three hours after she was admitted to hospital.
The palace's official Twitter account gave a play-by-play account of Saturday's events at the hospital, and posted photos of William and Kate's first appearance with the new addition — a sister for toddler George.
Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a daughter at 8.34am.
The baby weighs 8lbs 3oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.
<a href="">#WelcomeToTheFamily</a> <a href=""></a>
Canada's Gov. Gen. David Johnston and his wife, Sharon, tweeted congratulations, while issuing an official statement.
"Sharon and I are delighted to congratulate Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their second child," Johnston's statement read.
The birth of a baby is always a great joy. Sharon and I send our best wishes to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
La naissance d'un bébé est un moment de joie. Sharon et moi offrons nos meilleurs vœux au duc et à la duchesse de Cambridge.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau also sent congratulatory tweets. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has yet to issue a statement; he's currently in the middle of a surprise visit to Iraq.
Congratulations to TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the happy occasion of the birth of their baby girl! <a href="">@KensingtonRoyal</a>
Félicitations à Leurs Altesses Royales, le Duc et la Duchesse de Cambridge, à l’occasion de la naissance de leur fille! <a href="">@KensingtonRoyal</a>
Prime ministers from Australia and New Zealand sent well-wishes online to their Commonwealth compatriots:
Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of a daughter. Margie & I wish the young Princess a long and happy life.
Congratulations to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their daughter from all New Zealanders. <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a>
The Royal Navy sent this elaborate tribute, from the HMS Lancaster, also known as the Queen's frigate:
HMS Lancaster, known as the ‘Queen’s Frigate’, sent a message of congratulations to <a href="">@KensingtonRoyal</a> on the new birth <a href=""></a>
Of course, brands on Twitter had to get in on the party. Here are a few clever ones:
She's here! Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their healthy baby girl. <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a> <a href=""></a>
It's a girl! Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a> <a href=""></a>
Congratulations to Will & Kate on the birth of the <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a>! We hope her first word is Yahoo! <a href=""></a>
This being the wild west of social media, of course, there was no shortage of sarcastic or sardonic comments on the royal baby's birth, which has been much balleyhooed by news media on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
The <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a> born on the anniversary of the Battle Of Hogwarts is the most modern British thing that could possibly happen.
When you're so famous you have a wikipedia page before your even named <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a> <a href=""></a>
It's a princess! Welcome to the world, Princess Winnifred Fergully Ellen of the Shire. That's just a suggestion. <a href="">#RoyalBaby</a>
The future is worse than I could have possibly imagined <a href=""></a>