TedCruzForAmerica.com links straight to Canada
And that's not the only domain questioning his eligibility for the U.S. presidency

JebBush.com may take you to Donald Trump's home page, but TedCruzForAmerica.com sends you straight to Canada.
Should you dare to click on the link, it brings up the government of Canada's immigration page and gives you advice on how to enter U.S. Senator Ted Cruz's country of birth.
You can browse all of Canada.ca within TedCruzForAmerica, since the government's website is brought up in a frame that's been designed to cover the entire web page.
The Republican presidential candidate was born in Calgary in 1970, though until 2013 he claimed not have realized he had Canadian citizenship.
Much like Cruz's understanding of citizenship, TedCruzForAmerica.com is flexible on its joke premise.
In January, the domain pointed to the Human Rights Campaign – an organization which fights for the rights of people who are LGBT – according to the Wayback Machine.
The group also had an article titled "Ted Cruz Continues His Attack on Transgender School Children" on its home page as of Jan. 11.
Prior to that, TedCruzForAmerica.com brought you to Healthcare.gov, the website for the Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare.

It's not the only piece of mockery Cruz is facing either. There's also TedCruz.ca, which has been active since at least 2013.
"Some of you may recall there was a kerfuffle related to the question of whether President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama was born in America," reads the website.
"Now it appears that one of the new, bright, (cough) young (ahem) Republican politicians was actually born outside of the United States."
Tedcruz.ca points to legal arguments on the phrase "natural-born citizen," which is one of the requirements for becoming president of the United States. It also references news commentary on his history in Canada.
The website hasn't been updated to reflect that Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship, which was officially rescinded on May 14, 2014.
The conflict over Ted Cruz's origin concerns whether an American citizen that gains citizenship through their parents counts as a naturalized citizen or a native-born citizen. Those who fall into the former group are ineligible for the presidency.
Cruz's eligibility is a legitimate question for his political future, as argued by constitutional law professor Mary Brigid McManamon in the Washington Post.
"As he was born in Canada, he is not natural-born. His mother, however, is an American, and Congress has provided by statute for the naturalization of children born abroad to citizens," she wrote in January.
She concluded the article saying, "On this issue, the law is clear: The framers of the Constitution required the president of the United States to be born in the United States."
Meanwhile, other presidential candidates are facing their own troubles with domain names.
ElectBernie.com goes to a blog on safe driving in New York, though the site acknowledges the odd choice of domain name.
"Why is your site called ElectBernie.com? That's a great question and one day we will have an answer," said its About Us page.
Hillary Clinton has several fake websites bearing her name, one of which seems to be a copy of the Huffington Post's page design with links that go to personal attacks or criticisms of her policies.
Republican candidate Jeb Bush has not only lost JebBush.com, but JebBushforPresident.com, which purports to be run by a gay couple who want to talk to Jeb Bush supporters about the importance of permitting gay marriage.
It also answers the question: "Why do we call ourselves Bears?"
As for Donald Trump, he doesn't have as many odd domain redirects as Bush or Clinton.
That said, loser.com leads directly to his Wikipedia page.