Amedy Coulibaly shot Paris market hostage dead after man said he was Jewish
New video from camera worn by gunman captures more than 7 minutes of horror, magazine report says

New details are emerging of what happened inside a Jewish market in Paris, where four people were killed within hours of the massacre at satirical publication Charlie Hebdo on Jan. 7.
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Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman in the kosher market, could be heard asking hostages their names and where they were from during his rampage, according to the French weekly newsmagazine Le Nouvel Observateur, which cites newly available video of the event.
The video was recorded by a GoPro camera hanging from Coulibaly's jacket, the magazine reports. The seven-minute, 45-second video is in the hands of investigators.
It shows Coulibaly grabbing a man, and then shooting him dead after learning his name, the magazine says.
Coulibaly grabs another hostage and asks him where he's from, shooting him after the man replies: "Jewish."
Coulibaly then says, "You know why I'm here, then! Allahu Akbar! [God is great]."
The magazine reports that Coulibaly seemed to have trouble reloading his Kalashnikov automatic rifle, and he sought the help of his hostages in transferring the GoPro video footage to a computer.
In a related attack two days earlier, two brothers killed 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo.
The Charlie Hebdo shooters, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, were both killed by police two days later, the same day Coulibaly was killed.
- An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the attack at Charlie Hebdo happened the same day Coulibaly was killed. The two incidents actually took place two days apart.Feb 26, 2015 3:19 PM EST