Joe Schlesinger
Foreign Correspondent Emeritus
Joe Schlesinger was a foreign correspondent for CBC for 28 years, covering natural disasters, political upheavals and conflicts from Vietnam to the Persian Gulf. In 2009, the Canadian Journalism Foundation honoured Schlesinger for his body of work.
Latest from Joe Schlesinger

U.S. presidents have always had hidden health issues
Some critics have questioned Clinton's fitness to be president because she came down with pneumonia. If a common illness like pneumonia made a person unfit, then many American leaders would have never taken office.
World |

Point of View
History suggests refugees can only make Canada a better place: Joe Schlesinger
A recent poll by the Angus Reid Institute suggests almost a third of Canadians oppose the admission of Syrian refugees. But history suggests Canadians have nothing to fear, former CBC foreign correspondent Joe Schlesinger writes.
Politics |

The debt we owe Canada's thalidomide sufferers
The thalidomide tragedy of the late 1950s and early '60s forever changed the way new medications would be regulated and marketed, Joe Schlesinger writes. For that, as well as everything else, we owe these sufferers a huge debt.
Politics |

Historically speaking, Germany a bigger deadbeat than Greece
Greece and Germany have been at loggerheads all week over whether European lenders should forgive some of Greek's burdensome debt. But as Joe Schlesinger reminds us, Germany's debt defaults after the two world wars dwarf anything Greece has done.
World |

Why the ISIS mission is Obama's real 'red line'
Superpowers have their uses, Joe Schlesinger writes. And the failure to "degrade and destroy" ISIS would degrade America as a force for good in the world.
World |

From Vietnam to Gaza, the fearful history of tunnel warfare
As a military technique, tunnelling is among the oldest methods of warfare still in use, Joe Schlesinger points out. Partly that's because it's effective, at least in striking fear in the hearts of your enemy.
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Nicholas Winton: The man who saved children from Hitler
Exactly 75 years ago, CBC journalist Joe Schlesinger was one of 669 Jewish children rescued from the advancing Nazis by Nicholas Winton, a British businessman unwilling to take No for an answer. Today, "Nicky's children" and their extended families number over 6,000 people.
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The problem with Ukraine's history, the Russian version
There is an unusual twist in the current crisis over Ukraine and the Crimea because, as Vladimir Putin put it, Ukrainians and Russians are brothers. But even if true, Joe Schlesinger writes, there is no more bitter falling out than a family feud.
World |

Part roller derby, part ballet, the lure of the Winter Games
Canadians take the Winter Olympics more seriously than the Summer Games. The rest of the world, not so much. That's their problem, Joe Schlesinger writes, they are missing out on a very special kind of drama.
World |

The 1914 debate: Is Europe's past really Asia's future?
Japan's Shinzo Abe sparked an international outcry recently when he visited a controversial shrine to Japan's imperialistic war dead and then likened China to militaristic Germany in the run-up to the First World War. Are we really back to 1914, Joe Schlesinger asks.
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