Daylight saving time 2014 ends this weekend
Most Canadians will get a longer snooze when the vast majority of the country reverts to standard time this weekend, as clocks move back an hour on Sunday morning.
Clocks fall back at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday in most of the country

Daylight saving time is coming to an end for the year. Most of the country will revert to standard time this weekend as clocks move back an hour on Sunday morning.
The vast majority of the country will make the change at 2 a.m. local time.
- Daylight saving time: 6 eye-opening facts
- The history of time change
- How daylight changes affect your health
The most notable exception is Saskatchewan, where most of the province uses central standard time year round.
There are a number of other exceptions dotted across the country including:
- Creston, B.C., which uses mountain standard time all year.
- The areas of Québec east of 63 degrees west longitude, which is on Atlantic standard time year round.
- Southampton Island in Nunavut, which is always on eastern standard time.
- Pickle Lake, Ont., and Atikokan, Ont., which observe eastern standard time.
Daylight time is an idea first used in Germany during the First World War with the goal of saving energy. It aims to take advantage of daylight hours in the spring so that people don’t sleep through the first few hours of sunshine.
The changes are scheduled for 2 a.m. on Sundays to minimize disruption to daily life.