Donald Trump runs for president: 15 colourful quotes
Outspoken real estate mogul announces campaign to be Republican nominee

Donald Trump, the real estate mogul and reality television star, announced Tuesday that he will try to win the Republican nomination for president.
True to his reputation for being bold and brash, Trump's speech was peppered with colourful quotes and confident statements.
Here is a sampling:
"I don't need anybody's money ... I'm using my own money, I'm not using the lobbyists, I'm not using donors, I don't care. I'm really rich."
"The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems."
"Nobody would be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump. Nobody."
"When Mexico sends its people they're not sending their best ... They're sending people that have lots of problems ... They are bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists."
"I have so many websites, I have them all over the place, I hire people, they do a website, it costs me $3."
"Obamacare really kicks in in 2016. Obama's going to be out playing golf, he might even be on one of my courses. I would invite him ... I have the best courses in the world."
"I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created. I will bring back our jobs from China, from Mexico, from Japan, from so many places. I'll bring back our jobs and I'll bring back our money."
"How stupid are our leaders? How stupid are the politicians to allow this to happen? How stupid are they?"
"I'm a free trader, but the problem is you need really talented people to negotiate for you ... But we have people that are stupid."
"I'm not saying they are stupid ... I like China ... I love China ... Their leaders are much smarter than our leaders."
"Saudi Arabia, without us, is gone. They're gone."
"I'm proud of my net worth, I've done an amazing job ... The total is $8,737,540,000 US. I'm not doing that to brag, because you know what, I don't have to brag."
"I think I am a nice person. People that know me like me. Does my family like me? I think so ... I think I'm actually a very nice person."
"I promise I will never be in a bicycle race. That I can tell you."
"Sadly the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before and we will make America great again."