Angela Merkel 'not happy' TPP trade deal could be scrapped
Germany's chancellor did not mention by name Trump, who's said opting out of TPP is a top priority

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she's not happy about the possible demise of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, which President-elect Donald Trump wants to pull out of.
Merkel didn't directly mention Trump in a speech to the German Parliament Wednesday in which she called for nations to take a multilateral approach to solving global problems.
Merkel said: "I will tell you honestly: I am not happy that the trans-Pacific agreement now will probably not become reality. I don't know who will benefit from that."
She added: "I know only one thing: there will be other trade agreements, and they won't have the standards that this agreement and the hoped-for TTIP agreement have."
She was referring to the planned Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the U.S. and the European Union.