
Opposition politicians, lawyers rounded up in Pakistan: report

Pakistani authorities arrested opposition politicians Sunday as part a crackdown following President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's declared state of emergency, Reuters news agency reported.

President says judiciary was interfering with his fight against militants

Pakistani police arrested oppositionpoliticians, including the leaderofexiled former prime minister Nawaz Sharif's party, as part a crackdownfollowing President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's declaration of a state of emergency, Reuters reported Sunday.

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf addresses the nation on state-run Pakistan Television and declares a state of emergency on Saturday. ((Pakistan Television/Associated Press))

In a move that sparked outcries from political opponents and the international community on Saturday, Musharraf alsoreplaced the chief justice of the country's Supreme Court andhad authorities round up opposition figues, cut phone lines in the capital Islamabad and took all but state television off the air.

The order effectively suspends the country's constitution before a crucial Supreme Court ruling on Musharraf's future as president. The high court has been hearing constitutional arguments against his re-election last month.

In September, Sharif wasdeported only hours after he returned to his home country after seven years of exile after beingousted by Musharraf in a 1999coup.

"Musharraf's days are numbered. Time has come to end the political role of the army," Reuters quoted Javed Hashmi, acting president ofSharif'sPakistan Muslim League, astelling reporters before being whisked away by police in the central city of Multan.

In a national address Saturday, Musharrafinsisted his actions were necessary tocurb a rise in extremism in Pakistan, as well as judicial paralysis.

"I suspect that Pakistan's sovereignty is in danger unless timely action is taken," said Musharraf, who was wearing civilian clothes and spoke firmly and calmly.

"Pakistan is on the verge of destabilization … Inaction at this moment is suicide for Pakistan and I cannot allow this country to commit suicide."

Musharraf 'turning the clock back': Bhutto

In an interview with CBC News late Saturday from Karachi, former prime minister Benazir Bhutto accused Musharraf of taking Pakistan away from democracy and "turning the clock back towards dictatorship."

"If you really want to get rid of extremism, you have to get rid of dictatorship," Bhutto said. "It's an unfortunate day in our country's history."

Bhutto, who was in Dubai when Musharraf issued the order, recently ended eight years in exile andhas been in talks with Musharraf's camp about countering Islamic extremism by coming together to form a possible pro-Western alliance after parliamentary elections, whichwere slated for January.

It is not known whether the state of emergency will delay or cancel theelections.

Another opposition politician, former cricketer Imran Khan, told the BBC he had been placed under house arrest.

Bhutto, who held a press conference at her residence in Karachi after her arrival in Pakistan,said she would hold talks with other opposition parties to "build the domestic pressure" against Musharraf to reverse the decision and hold the elections on schedule.

Measurestake Pakistan 'away from path of democracy': Rice

The order alsodrew swift complaints from the United States and Britain — Musharraf's main Western allies.

"The U.S. has made clear it does not support extraconstitutional measures because those measures take Pakistan away from the path of democracy and civilian rule," U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

However, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrellsaid Musharraf's declaration does not affect U.S. military support of Pakistan, which Morrell called "a very important ally in the war on terror."

Meanwhile, Ottawaofficiallycondemned the crackdown urged its government to reinstate judges and allow free elections.

In a statement released Saturday, Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier called for all sides to refrain from violence and respect human rights. The Foreign Affairs Departmentalso issued an official travel warning advising Canadiansagainst all travel to Pakistan.

Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, seen here at a news conference Saturday at her residence in Karachi, condemned the measures. ((Associated Press))

Seven of the 18 Supreme Court judges immediately condemned the emergency measures.

"Under the constitutional order,judges will have to swear allegiance to the emergency powers," freelance journalist Graham Usher told CBC News. "Any judge who does not do that can be dismissed."

Justice Hameed Dogar replaced Iftekhar Chaudhry as the country's chief justice.Musharraftried to remove Chaudhry from the bench inMarchover alleged abuse of authority, but the court declared the suspension illegal and reinstated him in Julyafter a series of street protests.

Chaudhry has been outspoken in defendingtheindependence of the judiciary.

With files from the Associated Press