Hollande vows to clear out Paris migrant camp
French president calls camps 'not worthy' of France

French President Francois Hollande is vowing to shut down a growing migrant camp in Paris, after his government cleared out 5,000 people from a camp in Calais in an effort to tackle the migrant crisis.
Hollande met with migrants Saturday brought from Calais to a reception centre in Doue-la-Fontaine in western France.

"We cannot tolerate camps," Hollande said, calling them "not worthy" of France. He said the latest camp to spring up in Paris will be evacuated, too.
About 1,500 underage migrants remain in Calais in a special shelter, and Hollande urged British authorities to "do their part" to settle them in Britain.
Calais is a magnet for migrants from the Mideast and Africa seeking to reach Britain, and its camp was a symbol of Europe's migrant crisis.
- CBC IN CALAIS | Evicting migrants: Calais's never-ending operation
- Crews start dismantling French camp while migrants remain