India urged to abandon efforts to recover body of American killed by tribespeople
Isolated Sentinelese tribespeople could be wiped out if disease introduced through outside contact

A rights group that works to protect tribal people has urged Indian authorities to abandon efforts to recover the body of an American who was killed by inhabitants of an island where outsiders are effectively forbidden by Indian law.
The group, Survival International, said the islanders could be exposed to deadly diseases if rescuers set foot on North Sentinel Island, where John Allen Chau was killed earlier this month. Chau travelled to the island by paying fishermen to smuggle him. The fishermen told authorities they saw the Sentinelese bury Chau's body on the beach.
Notes that Chau left behind say he wanted to bring Christianity to the islanders. Indian officials have travelled repeatedly in recent days near the remote island but have not set foot on it.
Scholars believe the Sentinelese are descendants of Africans who migrated to the area about 50,000 years ago and survive on the small, forested island by hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants. Almost nothing is known of their lives, except that they have previously attacked outsiders with spears or bows and arrows.
Survival International's director, Stephen Corry, said in a statement Monday that any efforts to recover the body would be "incredibly dangerous" for both Indian officials and the Sentinelese, who face being wiped out if any outside diseases are introduced.

"The risk of a deadly epidemic of flu, measles or other outside disease is very real, and increases with every such contact. Such efforts in similar cases in the past have ended with the Sentinelese attempting to defend their island by force," Corry said.
He said the body of Chau "should be left alone as should be the Sentinelese."
He was critical of Indian's relaxation of controls over visitors to such islands.
Isolated for generations
"The weakening of the restrictions on visiting the islands must be revoked, and the exclusion zone around the island properly enforced," he said.
He said the islanders should get the chance to determine their own fate.
"All uncontacted tribal peoples face catastrophe unless their land is protected," he said.
An Indian police official earlier said they do not want to disturb the islanders' existence.

"They are a treasure," said Dependera Pathak, director-general of police on the Andaman and Nicobar island groups. "We cannot go and force our way in. We don't want to harm them."
There has been no significant contact with the Sentinelese for generations. Anthropologists used to occasionally drop off gifts of coconuts and bananas, but even those visits were stopped years ago.
Indian officials said earlier that they were consulting anthropologists to see how they can approach with a friendly gesture. They watched the Sentinelese from a distance in recent days. On Saturday, tribespeople were observed armed with spears and bows and arrows, but they did not attempt to shoot them at the authorities.