TRANSCRIPT | Ship to shore radio exchange after accident
Radio transcript between Italian Port Authourity and unnamed officer

'We have a blackout'
Radio exchange, reported by Sky Italia to have occurred at 10:12 p.m. local time on Jan. 13 between a Livorno Port official and an unidentified Costa Concordia officer:
Port: Good evening Costa Concordia. Do you have problems on board?
Concordia: Yes, affirmative, we have a blackout on board. We are checking the situation.
Port: Do you need assistance or for the moment are you only staying in the Giglio area?
Concordia: Yes, affirmative, we are staying here in the area to verify the blackout.
Port: What type of problem, only generators? Because the Carabinieri of Prato got a call from a relative of a crew member who said that during the dinner everything fell on his head.
Concordia: No, negative, we have a blackout and we are verifying the conditions on board.
Port: Yes, since the passengers said you made them put on life jackets, is this correct?
Concordia: I repeat, we are verifying the conditions of the blackout.
Port: How long has there been this blackout?
Concordia: Approximately 20 minutes, 20 minutes.
Port: OK, we go back on (channel) 16. Keep us informed of the situation.
Concordia: Affirmative, we'll stay on standby on (channel) 16. We'll keep you informed.