Trump nation itching to slap down liberals and traitors: Neil Macdonald
While politicians talk of healing wounds, right-wing websites are bursting with vengeful joy

With all this talk about coming together and collectively healing the wounded American soul, it's refreshing to dip into the right-wing websites liberals studiously ignore, but shouldn't.
They are written expressly for and followed religiously by the people who just voted the new president-elect into office, and the collective soul of that cohort doesn't seem wounded at all.
It is in fact bursting with vengeful joy.
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Here are the words of Kurt Schlichter, a Los Angeles attorney and military veteran who writes for, one of the more prominent conservative aggregators:
"I could take this opportunity to extend my hand to my liberal co-citizens. But no. That can wait … for now, the only thing I'm extending is my middle finger. You built this. Now suck on it."
Mr. Schlichter might not be the subtlest fellow, but he knows his audience. And healing and closure aren't on the agenda.
As Barack Obama used to say, elections have consequences, and the new American right — let's call them that, because they loathe the old American right — is hungry for consequences to begin.
They want a reckoning for all those Republican traitors who repudiated Trump during the campaign (one of Trump's spokespeople told a reporter election night his boss has a long enemies list) and action on all those promises, particularly the big six: The Wall, Lock Up Hillary, Deport the Illegals, Seal off America to Muslims, Repeal Obamacare, and force companies to Bring Back Those Jobs from Overseas.

Outrage artist and early Trump supporter Ann Coulter was prominent on Breitbart News Thursday, complaining that too often, Republicans go all soft in the middle and break faith, once in office.
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Coulter has helpfully organized Trump's first 100 days in office.
Day One, she says, Trump should "start building the wall." She then lists 98 more entries titled "continue building the wall."
On day 100, he should "report to American people about progress of wall. Keep building the wall."
Actually, Breitbart is probably the must-read of all the right-wing websites from now on. Stephen Bannon, the Breitbart director who led the website's crusading coverage of "black on black crime," and whose editors regard the Black Lives Matter movement as would-be cop-killers, was brought in by Trump to oversee his campaign, and will likely have a senior White House role.

"Locking up" Hillary, the signature chant of crowds at Trump rallies, is also an item the base regards as urgent.
Breitbart editor at large Peter Schweizer was warning on Thursday that Trump, who repeatedly denounced Hillary Clinton as a criminal, must make good on his promise to appoint a special Hillary prosecutor.
"We still have to enforce the law and see if laws were broken," he declared on Fox News Channel. The FBI, apparently, has not done its job.
The Drudge Report, another ferociously pro-Trump website, put the matter of fulfilling promises aside for the moment, but also seemed uninterested in healing or closure.
It ran several urgent headlines about the viciousness of the anti-Trump protests that have erupted across America, stories about blacks thirsting for white blood, with one headline in particular warning "People Have to Die," which, on inspection, turned out to be the declaration of a lone Latina woman in Los Angeles.
Drudge also ran a headline mocking Democrats who have talked about moving to Canada in the event of a Trump win:
"Canada Doesn't Want You," the website gloated, linking to a story featuring a dozen or so tweets from ordinary Canadians advising Americans to stay home.
Canada also featured on Breitbart, which ran a story on Justin Trudeau's sudden willingness to renegotiate NAFTA, another Trump promise. (Actually, Trudeau said "If the Americans want to talk about NAFTA, I'm more than happy to talk about it," adding that he'd welcome any revisions that would benefit Canada, which one suspects is not the goal Trump's anti-globalization supporters have in mind.)
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Among other Trump promises less discussed today, but certain to be insisted upon by his base: defunding Planned Parenthood and getting rid of the Environmental Protection Agency; ordering heavy surveillance of U.S. mosques and closing some if need be; recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; bringing back torture for detainees; "bombing the shit out of ISIS"; getting out of the Iran deal; imposing new taxes on imports; getting rid of gun-free zones at schools; reversing Obama's executive orders preventing deportation of some illegal immigrants; massive tax cuts; and repealing regulations curbing Wall Street greed and protecting consumers.
Amid all this chops-licking, though, what is the man himself saying?
The answer: not much. Victory seems to have dampened the lash of his tongue.

In his victory speech, Trump talked about "binding the wounds of division," which sounded suspiciously like healing.
He praised Clinton, saying America owes her a major debt of gratitude for her public service, which sounded suspiciously like not locking her up.
Yesterday, after meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan, one of Trump's Republican enemies, the president-elect vowed vaguely to do "absolutely spectacular things, whether it's on health care or immigration or so many different things."
And at the White House, after meeting with a rather dejected looking Obama, Trump promised "big league jobs."
But when a reporter asked when he was going to start banning Muslims, he cut questions off.
As Trump himself would have tweeted before he went soft in the middle: "Sad."
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