Crowds gather in Istanbul for massive anti-coup rally
Gathering intended to mark end of nightly democracy demonstrations following Turkey's failed coup attempt

A massive flag-waving crowd — the size of which some Turkish media said had never been seen before — gathered in Istanbul Sunday for a giant rally to mark the end of nightly demonstrations since Turkey's July 15 failed coup that left more than 270 people dead.
No official estimate was provided, but Turkish media said millions were attending. The event was so full that large crowds were turned away at the gates, spilling into surrounding streets.
- Turkish president blasts foreign countries over coup reaction
- Turkey creates 'Traitors' Cemetery' for dead coup plotters
"We will continue on our road in solidarity. We will love each other not for rank or title, but for Allah," President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on a 60-metre stage set up for the event. The stage was framed by two platforms and draped with massive national flags and banners depicting Erdogan and Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
"This nation will never accept servitude," he said.
The Yenikapi meeting area by the Marmara Sea waterfront in Istanbul's European side was transformed into a sea of red and white, the colours of Turkey's flag. The so-called "Democracy and Martyrs' Rally" was billed as a cross-party event representing Turkish unity in the wake of the failed coup, in which a group of renegade military officers attempted to seize power with tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.
Rally follows sweeping crackdown
The government has launched a sweeping crackdown in the coup's aftermath, targeting followers of U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, who it says orchestrated the attempt. Nearly 18,000 people have been detained or arrested, mostly from the military, and tens of thousands of people have been suspended or dismissed from jobs in the judiciary, media, education, health care, military and local government.
"As a state and as a nation, we need to analyze the July 15 coup attempt very well. We need to evaluate well not just those who engaged in this treachery, but the powers behind them, the motives that made them take action," Erdogan said.

The scope of the crackdown has alarmed European countries and rights groups, who have urged restraint. Erdogan has lashed out at such criticism, and complained of a lack of support from the West for his government for surviving the coup.
"July 15 showed our friends that this country isn't just strong against political, economic and diplomatic attacks, but against military sabotage as well. It showed that it will not fall, it will not be derailed," he said. "Those wringing their hands on that night hoping for Turkey to fall woke up the next day to realize their work was much harder than they thought."
Religious leaders and two of Turkey's three opposition parties attended the rally, sitting next to Erdogan, who arrived on board a helicopter with his wife, Emine. The pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party, or HDP, wasn't invited.
Erdogan reiterated that he would sign into law the reintroduction of capital punishment if parliament were to pass a bill to that effect. The death penalty was abolished in Turkey in 2004, although the last execution took place in 1984. European Union officials have said a reintroduction of the death penalty would put an end to Turkey's prospects of joining the bloc.
'I don't want to lose my country'
The event kicked off with a minute of silence for those killed while opposing the coup, followed by the Turkish national anthem and a recitation of prayers.
"I have never been in democracy rallies but I really wanted to come this one. Because I don't want to lose my country," said Sevda Bozkurt, a 44-year-old housewife who didn't manage to get in. "This is one of the biggest rallies. Turkey's three political parties gathered together, they become friends, they become brothers. Maybe there is hope for Turkey."
Construction cranes suspended giant Turkish flags beside the meeting area, while flag-draped boats and yachts zipped back and forth along the water.

Following the failed attempt, the Turkish government has been encouraging nightly anti-coup rallies in all of the country's 81 provinces as well as in certain foreign locations such as Cologne, Germany.
The event was being simultaneously broadcast on giant screens in all of Turkey's provinces, and crowds of thousands gathered to watch in the country's major cities.
Nearly 15,000 police were providing security at the event. Anti-aircraft batteries were also set up at the event grounds, while two helicopters circled overhead.