As It Happens: Wednesday Edition

Part One
'Suck it Up, Buttercup' bill
Iowa State Representative Bobby Kaufmann was telling us about his new bill that would punish schools for coddling college students with silly hang-ups — and then just hung up.
Church swastika
An Indiana minister explains why she's not going to erase the hateful graffiti someone spray-painted on her church.
Rat tickling scientist
We have much to learn from research in which scientists tickled rats — including how scientists would tickle rats, exactly, and why.
Part Two
Canadian imam: Turkey
A Canadian imam is among thousands of people detained in Turkey after the failed coup — but his wife insists her husband had nothing to do with it.
Obama-Biden meme generator
Part of us apparently wishes Vice President Joe Biden was planning a series of pranks for the incoming White House residents. Because suddenly, Twitter is working overtime to imagine him doing just that.
Part Three
Val d'Or complainants: Chief Assembly of First Nations Québec & Labrador
Reports suggest that 38 complaints of sexual abuse by police against Indigenous women in Val D'or won't result in a single charge. And the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations in Quebec and Labrador says he'll call for an independent inquiry.
Election prediction professor
Allan Lichtman was one of very few people who predicted Donald Trump's big win — so tonight, we'll ask the history prof about his other prediction: that President Trump will be impeached.
CBC poetry prize winner
The winning poem of the 2016 CBC Poetry Prize tells a story you may not know, in language you've never heard.