A Joe Biden memes guy on his post-election fame

If you've been on Twitter since the U.S. election, you've probably come across some pretty tense and divisive tweets.
But, as the dust settles, the Twittersphere has also turned to humour in the form of a new obsession — memes of imaginary conversations between President Obama and America's favourite uncle, Vice President Joe Biden. Many feature Biden plotting pranks against President-elect Donald Trump.
CAROL OFF: Josh, what inspired you to create these memes?
JOSH BILLINSON: I think it's something that has been out for a while before the election. I think the Onion — the satirical newspaper — kind of crafted this image of [Joe Biden] as Uncle Joe for a couple years now. After the election, I was not feeling so hot. I thought I'd find a light-hearted way to poke some fun at it that wasn't so serious. I guess it just really struck a chord with a lot of people. They seem to appreciate it.
CO: So, I presume you were not feeling so good after the election because you didn't like the results.
JB: Yeah, that's one way to put it.
JB: I think they both just come off as very genuine and very personable ... If you bumped into them on the street, they seem like they would be friendly people you could talk to. So, to imagine these people who have these very serious jobs acting like teenagers in the White House, it's very appealing to people. Just the fact that it feels like a political joke, but it's not really. It's childish humour. It's apolitical. I've gotten responses from people on all sides of the political spectrum, people from all over the world, telling me that this is something they've been able to laugh about. And they really haven't found anything these last few days to laugh about.
JB: I have. Yes. I sent a letter a while ago, back in March, trying to see if it could maybe get to his desk. It didn't. I got a form letter back. But I'm hoping, with this new found thing, I can maybe push that through. I just want to say thanks to the guy. And there's a lot of hilarious pictures of Joe Biden eating ice cream on the internet too.
"I have to imagine that Joe Biden knows that this is happening. If he does, I'd love to come down there. . . Get some ice cream."- Josh Billinson, meme creator