Monday: Cyprus Crisis, Retiring Prostitutes, Muzzled Scientists
Highlights Include: Part One:* Cyprus Crisis: Nicosia bailout bank levy has a resident economic historian looking to make a withdrawal.* Retiring Prostitutes: 2 Amsterdam twins call it quits after 50 years and 355,000 served. Part Two:* Oil Spill System: BC Environment Minister Terry Lake on Ottawa's plan for tracking tankers. * Globe Front Page: Skate Canada reacts to a risqué...

Highlights Include:
Part One:
* Cyprus Crisis: Nicosia bailout bank levy has a resident economic historian looking to make a withdrawal.* Retiring Prostitutes: 2 Amsterdam twins call it quits after 50 years and 355,000 served.
Part Two:
* Oil Spill System: BC Environment Minister Terry Lake on Ottawa's plan for tracking tankers. * Globe Front Page: Skate Canada reacts to a risqué photo of its latest young phenom.
Part Three:
* Muzzled Scientists: UVic students urge Ottawa to free public service scientists to speak.
* Black Death Pit: London rail workers uncover a mass grave dating from the black plague.