New Arctic Highway
Imagine a road trip from coast to coast to COAST.It's not possible yet -- but it will be soon. The Northwest Territories has approved a $300 Million highway which will bring drivers to the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The road will finally connect the isolated hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk to the rest of Canada. Merven Gruben is the mayor...

Imagine a road trip from coast to coast to COAST.
It's not possible yet -- but it will be soon.
The Northwest Territories has approved a $300 Million highway which will bring drivers to the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The road will finally connect the isolated hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk to the rest of Canada.
Merven Gruben is the mayor of Tuktoyaktuk.
It's not possible yet -- but it will be soon.
The Northwest Territories has approved a $300 Million highway which will bring drivers to the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The road will finally connect the isolated hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk to the rest of Canada.
Merven Gruben is the mayor of Tuktoyaktuk.