Cornish Pasty world champions revealed!
This past weekend, pasty-lovers across Cornwall, England waited with beef-and-potato-bated breath to find out who would win the World Pasty Championships. It may not have the zing of the Jamaican patty or the pizzazz of the pizza pocket, but the working-class Cornish Pasty is England's original takeaway food....

This past weekend, pasty-lovers across Cornwall, England waited with beef-and-potato-bated breath to find out who would win the World Pasty Championships. It may not have the zing of the Jamaican patty or the pizzazz of the pizza pocket, but the working-class Cornish Pasty is England's original takeaway food.
Elaine Ead was named the first official World Ambassador for the Cornish Pasty Association - an award she was given at the event.
Ms. Ead gave some of the history behind the original humble pie: it was designed for coal miners as a meal contained in its own baked lunch bag, carried by its thick crust, which would be discarded when eaten. "Miners could actually have a meal without poisoning themselves."
Ambassador Ead spoke to Carol from Padstow, which is, of course, in Cornwall.
What do you think? Are you a patsy for pasties? Take our survey.