News Quiz: Bernie Sanders vs Colonel Sanders, and the no-boss workplace
Comedian Mike Bullard takes our weekly news quiz with author Tom Howell and improviser Rebecca Northan.

Bernie Sanders has emerged as a real contender to dethrone Hillary Clinton's bid for the White House. Familiarize yourself with this populist candidate by playing our game "Who Said It: Bernie Sanders or Colonel Sanders?"
This week's hashtag challenge: #HorrorTech. Alfred Hitchcock's The Angry Birds? Texas Chain Mail Massacre? Pitch us your best horror-technology titles.
Canadians are divided over Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau's improvised pop song during a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr earlier this week. We're asking if you can tell the difference between Sophie's lyrics and Beyoncé's?
Because News.
This week on the show:
- comedian and radio host Mike Bullard
- improviser Rebecca Northan
- author and broadcaster Tom Howell