Sophie vs. Beyoncé (a.k.a. Queen B vs. Queen Trudeau)

Hopefully Canada enjoyed its brief moment of being "hip" in the world's eyes, because Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau put an embarrassingly earnest stop to all that.
While speaking at a celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, she spontaneously burst into song, specifically a song called, Smile Back at Me which she wrote for her daughter.
According to the online news comments we read, Canada was not smiling back at her recital. It was more of a smirk.
My online comment was 'Sophie's Bad Choice'- Mike Bullard
Our panellists concurred that while Sophie's performance was heartfelt, it wasn't something they wanted to heartfeel, describing it as "cringe-y" and "spotlight-hoggy." To make their criticisms more constructive, they suggested other songs for Sophie to sing the next time she gets a hankering, like:
- Amy Winehouse's They told me to go to 24 Sussex but I said no, no, no...
- Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive, This Awkward Moment
- Adele's mega-hit Hello (from the Sussex Drive!)
BELOW: Watch Gavin try to stump CBC Winnipeg host Ismaila Alfa on which lyrics are Beyoncé's and which are Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau's.