Who said it: Archie Bunker or a Republican candidate?

At times, the Republican presidential primaries sound more like a satire than a presidential race.
Candidates toss out lines that could easily be mistaken for something Archie Bunker said on All in the Family.
With that in mind, Because News panellists Barbara Kay, Aisha Alfa and Tom Howell play a round of Who said it: Archie Bunker or a Republican candidate.
Play along at home. Guess who said the quote, and roll over the image to see if you're right. Then, listen to the audio to see how you compare to our panel.
If you're wondering why Alfa nailed this round, have a listen as talks about why her dad loves Archie Bunker.

"He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
"[America has] the highest standard of living! The grossest national product!"
Hear more of that discussion here.
"[Homosexuality is a choice] because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they're gay."
He apologized for saying it later, sort of.
"You'd better start mixing toothpaste with your shampoo. You're getting a cavity in your brain."
"How [women] get on welfare is by not having a husband in the house — let's be honest here."
It's a quote that resurfaced years after it was said.