Documentary: Surviving the Oklahoma tornado

Abby Wendle and Sarah Geis visited the area the day after the tornado hit, and bring us a portrait of survivors Jeannie Martin, Brandi Kline, Bobby Britton and Damian Kline, who were in two of the hardest-hit spots: The Warren Theater, and the Plaza Towers Elementary School, where seven children were killed.
Sarah and Abby are part of This Land Press, a new media company out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. You can find out more about them here. And see photos related to this story by clicking "Read More".
All photos: Sheilah Bright for This Land Press. Click on the images to enlarge.
Top photo: Cullen and Sara Bieger outside their home in Norman, Oklahoma. When the tornado hit, Cullen was at The Warren movie theatre in Moore.
Second: Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma, where 7 children were killed.
Third: The Animal Resource Center in Oklahoma City (right on the Moore border) works to reunite pets found at the tornado site with their owners.
Others: Taken from May 21st and 22nd in Moore and the close surrounding areas