Should we abolish the Senate?
The Opposition hammered the government this week over allegations that senators billed for expenses that shouldn't have been claimed. The RCMP has asked for Senator Mike Duffy's expense claims, as well as those of Senators Mac Harb and Patrick Brazeau. Meanwhile, the NDP has launched a campaign called "Roll up The Red Carpet" seeking to abolish the Senate altogether. National Post editor-at-large...

The Opposition hammered the government this week over allegations that senators billed for expenses that shouldn't have been claimed. The RCMP has asked for Senator Mike Duffy's expense claims, as well as those of Senators Mac Harb and Patrick Brazeau. Meanwhile, the NDP has launched a campaign called " Roll up The Red Carpet" seeking to abolish the Senate altogether. National Post editor-at-large Diane Francis shares the NDP's sentiment. But University of Ottawa constitutional law professor Errol Mendes is against the idea. Each give a few reasons to scrap or save the Upper Chamber.
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