Battling the Biological Clock
In Britain, a new ad campaign is trying to get women to think about having children earlier in life. Get Britain Fertile is drawing the ire of critics who call the campaign patronizing and insulting to women. But even harshest critics agree it's sparked a much needed discussion about fertility and choice. Brent talks to guests Michelle Horton and Haley Mlotek, two young women...

In Britain, a new ad campaign is trying to get women to think about having children earlier in life. Get Britain Fertile is drawing the ire of critics who call the campaign patronizing and insulting to women. But even harshest critics agree it's sparked a much needed discussion about fertility and choice. Brent talks to guests Michelle Horton and Haley Mlotek, two young women in their 20s with polarizing views on the subject. He also talks to fertility expert Dr. Judith Daniluk, about the reproductive realities of women in Canada.