Total Boox: would you read pay-as-you-go books?
How many books do you own that you don't ever end up reading? How much money has that cost you so far? Or maybe you've spent twenty bucks on an e-book, only to find by chapter four that you hate it. A new e-book company is trying to upend the payment model. Why buy the whole book, when you could...

How many books do you own that you don't ever end up reading? How much money has that cost you so far? Or maybe you've spent twenty bucks on an e-book, only to find by chapter four that you hate it. A new e-book company is trying to upend the payment model. Why buy the whole book, when you could just pay per page? That's the idea behind Total Boox. Yoav Lorch is the founder. And Canadian novelist Trevor Cole gives us his take.