The best news podcasts to help you stay informed

This week we're sharing one of our favourite episodes from October 2018.

When Bill Clinton was first elected, I was not yet two years old, so I was blissfully ignorant of the drama that would engulf the White House during my childhood. But now, with another scandal plagued administration in power in Washington, it's especially revealing to look back on how the Ken Starr investigation unfolded. This particular episode of Slow Burn features an extraordinary interview with Linda Tripp, who betrayed Monica Lewinsky to reveal her affair with Bill Clinton to the world. It's one of the longest and most candid interviews she's ever given about why she did what she did, and it's the cherry on top of an absolutely binge-worthy series.
- Julian Uzielli, Producer, Podcast Playlist
Podcasts featured this week:

The Daily – They don't have President Trump's tax returns, but they have his father's. Click here to listen to the full episode.
Today, Explained – Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters to 13 companies that appear to market their vaping products directly to kids. One particular device, the sleekly-designed Juul, has really captured the attention of underage teens. Click here to listen to the full episode.
Slow Burn – Linda Tripp exposed Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. She explains her motivations in a feature interview. Click here to listen to the full episode.
The Big Story – From Rogers Media, The Big Story is a Canadian daily current affairs podcast that focuses on one story every day in about 15 minutes. In this episode, they took a break from their usual format to try to answer the question that seems to be on so many minds: "How do you sip from a firehose of news?" Click here to listen to the full episode.
On The Media – Hosts Bob Garfield and Brooke Gladstone tackle the news of the week and take on sometimes thorny issues at the heart of journalism and news. Click here to listen to the full episode.
Front Burner – "For the last four years, Vice reporter Ben Makuch has been fighting to keep communications he had with a suspected ISIS fighter from the RCMP. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, and earlier this month Makuch and Vice lost their final appeal on this case. Ben Makuch talks to host Jayme Poisson about that journey, and what it might mean for press freedom in Canada." Click here to listen to the full episode.
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