Measha Brueggergosman guest hosts Q
Okay folks, big day. Measha Brueggergosman joins us today as our first Thursday surprise host and musical guest.

Okay folks, big day. Measha Brueggergosman joins us today as our first Thursday surprise host and musical guest.
- Pianist-turned-filmmaker Barbara Willis Sweete joins our surprise guest host to discuss her documentary about spiritual music, Songs of Freedom.
- Award-winning Canadian poet Dennis Lee has been writing children's verse for the past 5 decades -- including the classic Alligator Pie. He joins our surprise host to chat about his new collection, Melvis and Elvis.
- Our surprise host speaks to filmmaker and African music curator Chris Kirkley about the filmAkounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai. The film is hoping to shed light on the Saharan Sahel region's Tuareg guitar music, which is hugely popular in the region. The movie stars musicians from the scene and is an homage to the Prince film Purple Rain.