Alligator Pie poet Dennis Lee wants you to meet Melvis and Elvis

"Alligator pie, alligator pie, If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die."
Over the decades, Canadian poet Dennis Lee has won the hearts of many children with his wild imagination and whimsical poetry. Although his young (and young at heart) fans may know him best as the author of the classic collection Alligator Pie, Lee is a bonafide founding figure of the CanLit revolution.
Today the poet laureate joins surprise guest host Measha Brueggergosman to discuss his new collection, Melvis and Elvis and writing for a new generation of pint-size poetry lovers.
Click here or on the listen button above to hear the full segment (audio runs 0:18:55), or watch Lee (backed by Aaron Davis) read one poem from the new collection.
Plus, check out two of Lee's new poems below, and if you're feeling nostalgic, read an online,classic edition of Alligator Pie.

Click here to expand Melvis and Elvis.