Guest host trivia: Can you spot the strange fact or fib?
For the past few weeks, Q fans on social media have been treated to some surprising facts about our talented roster of guest hosts. In case you're not the type to be on instagram, we've collected the whole "guest host trivia" series in one place.
Take your best guess for each host, and scroll to the bottom of this post to see the correct answers. (If we stump you, let us know in the comments!)

Which of the following is TRUE of Tom Power?
He's one of the youngest hosts of a national program on CBC radio
He's a proud native of St. John's, Newfoundland
He's a folk music ;braniac ;and Polaris prize juror
He's a fan of the Canadian tuxedo ...
All of the above.
Scroll to the bottom of this post for the answer!

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Piya Chattopadhyay?
She's been nicknamed the "Swiss army knife" of public broadcasting
She's a proud prairie gal, hailing from Saskatoon [Go Riders!]
She's the mum of triplets
She grew up singing classical music, and plays the sax
She covered the 2003 SARS outbreak with now-husband Peter Armstrong
Scroll to the bottom of this post for the answer!

Extreme edition - Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Brent Bambury?
He rides a 25-year-old bike to work, 12 months a year
He has climbed Mount Rundle
He once camped on a wolf-infested island
He's broken his arm 5 times while snowboarding, but won't give up the sport
Scroll to the bottom of this post for the answer!

Food edition -- Which of the following has Wab Kinew actually ingested?
Tuna eyeball
Hákarl (rotting shark)
Fried spider
Water steeped in a dead man's toe.
Scroll to the bottom of this post for the answer!

Holiday edition -- Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Rachel Giese?
She has never seen any of the Home Alone movies
She celebrates New Year's Day doing 108 sun salutations
Her grandmother once fed her family an imitation Butterball turkey for Christmas, which was a bird with its cavity stuffed with a pound of butter and then wrapped all over in bacon
She spent New Year's Eve 1999 with a group of Y2K survivalists in a basement bunker
Her favourite Christmas song is Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Gill Deacon?
She has defeated Hulk Hogan in an arm wrestling match.
She has a Masters in Economics.
She was a professional singer and OCAD dropout before stumbling into broadcasting.
She has spoken on the telephone to Frank Sinatra in broken German.
She was born with a horn.
Find the answer below!
Answer key:
Tom Power: #5, all of the above.
Piya Chattopadhyay: #3 No triplets-- but she does have twin boys and a daughter.
Brent Bambury: #4, Brent did not break his arm 5 times while skiing -- although he has popped a rotator cuff twice
Wab Kinew: #4 is true! Wab took this gruesome shot at a bar in Dawson City, YK.
Rachel Giese: #3 is not true
Gill Deacon: #2 is not true. (And yes, #5 is -- kind of. Gill explains: "They hauled me out with forceps so my head had a pointy section for the first couple of days ...")