Are pro-sports straightwashing their response to Orlando?
q's sports culture panel thinks beyond the play-by-play to weigh in on the societal impact of sports stories.

q's sports culture panel thinks beyond the play-by-play to weigh in on the societal impact of sports stories. Not a fan? Not a problem. Our panel watches much more than the scoreboard.
Today the Toronto Star's Morgan Campbell, CBC host and reporter Sonali Karnick and The Nation's Dave Zirin join Shad to discuss the biggest and strangest stories in sports. Today:
- How is the sports community responding to the tragic Orlando shooting? Outsports, an LGBT sports website, says teams are "erasing 'gay' and 'LGBT'" from their tributes to Orlando.
- Are the rowdy fans of Euro 2016 stealing the spotlight from the on-field action? Igor Lebedev, a member of the Russian's soccer union executive committee doesn't think so, tweeting, "I don't see anything wrong with the fans fighting. Quite the opposite. Well done, lads. Keep it up!"
- Las Vegas is getting an NHL team, and Quebec City was passed on, but we're wondering if it's a good idea to bring hockey to the desert. The rumoured name for the new team is the Las Vegas Black Knights.
What do you think the new Las Vegas NHL team should be named? Let us know in the comments, by email, on Facebook or on Twitter.