Fresh Kils is a master of face-melting mash up
'Beat performer' Fresk Kils performs live, talks about his growing genre and how producers are becoming live performance artists.

Fresk Kils is an award-winning hip-hop producer and collaborator who has worked with a range of acts, but when it comes to his own work — well, it's something you need to hear to understand.
With a set up that includes a drum machine, and a series of sounds and samples, is Fresh Kils a producer playing beats or a musician in his own right?
Listen to Shad's check-in with the beat performer, and decide for yourself.
WEB EXTRA | Check out Fresh Kils' mesmerizing beats in his winning routine from the Sound Battle Royale Championship.
A quick guide to Fresh Kils's samples
Price is Right routine
The Price Is Right theme
Check Your Led routine
Beastie Boys `Sabotage'
Led Zeppelin `Whole Lotta Love'
Adeltron routine
Adele `Rolling In The Deep'
Deltron 3030 `Mastermind'
Muhammad Ali Tribute routine
James Brown `Funky Drummer'
James Brown `Give It Up, Turn It Loose'
Funky Drummer/Tenacious D routine
James Brown `Funky Drummer'
Tenacious D `History'
Price is Right routine
The Price Is Right theme
Check Your Led routine
Beastie Boys `Sabotage'
Led Zeppelin `Whole Lotta Love'
Adeltron routine
Adele `Rolling In The Deep'
Deltron 3030 `Mastermind'
Muhammad Ali Tribute routine
James Brown `Funky Drummer'
James Brown `Give It Up, Turn It Loose'
Funky Drummer/Tenacious D routine
James Brown `Funky Drummer'
Tenacious D `History'