Cosby jokes without Cosby: Can the humour be redeemed?

Why is a successful comedian stealing Bill Cosby's old jokes? Greg Fitzsimmons explains himself.
Greg Fitzsimmons has a few jokes up his sleeve that come straight out of a familiar sweater. Can the comedy be separated from its originator? (Laugh Factory)

Greg Fitzsimmons used to be a fan of Bill Cosby — but after hearing dozens of sexual assault allegations against his comedy idol, the admiration ran cold. 

Fitzsimmons, a successful comic in his own right, joins guest host Rachel Giese to explain why he broke a cardinal rule of comedy — "don't steal other people's jokes" — in an attempt to hurt Cosby.

He describes his feelings as crowds enjoyed the material, the problematic aspects of his gambit, and what he thinks of the experiment now that it's over.