Dean Obeidallah deflates the 'humourless Muslim' stereotype
Comedian and frequent political commentator Dean Obeidallah takes another swing at Islamophobia with a novel event in New York City.

What's so funny about being Arab and Muslim in a post 9-11 world? Dean Obeidallah wants more comedy fans, especially non-Muslims, to find out.
The comedian and frequent political commentator has been battling Islamophobia and poking fun at prejudice for years. He recently co-organized Muslim Funny Fest, the first festival of Islamic comedians in North America, and watched each show sell out.
Obeidallah joins Shad to discuss his inspired switch from law to comedy, and the complexities of passing for white while answering to a last name that means servant of Allah.
WEB EXTRA | Watch Obeidallah in action on the comedy stage. Plus, check out his TEDx talk about using stand up comedy to counter Islamophobia.