Could green lawns become a symbol of selfishness?
"Lawn people" may be seen as neighbourhood villains in drought-affected areas — but could that stigma spread?

"Lawn people" may be seen as neighbourhood villains in drought-affected areas — but could that stigma spread? As some Californians and Vancouverites tweet about their neighbours' suspiciously emerald lawns, Shad explores two perspectives on why the grass needn't always be greener.
- "Drought shamer" John Brenneise, on why he's calling out his neighbours in water-strapped Sacremento, California.
- Paul Robbins — author of Lawn People: How Grasses, Weeds, and Chemicals Make Us Who We Are — on why people are ignoring drought regulations to keep their lawns green.
q: What do the lawns in your neighbourhood look like? Do you think the green lawn may soon become a symbol of selfishness and extravagance?