How Captain Underpants creator Dav Pilkey overcame obstacles to stick to his vision
Captain Underpants creator Dav Pilkey talks about confronting dyslexia, being banned from schools and retaining the imaginative viewpoint of a child.

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie is set to hit movie screens in June starring the voices of Kevin Hart and Ed Helms. They play two school children who hypnotize their high school principal and turn him into their comic book creation, Captain Underpants.
The film is based on the book series of the same name.
Captain Underpants creator Dav Pilkey talks to q guest host Ali Hassan about his struggles as a dyslexic kid with ADD and how he overcame those obstacles to become an author.
Pilkey will also discuss whether he's ever considered toning down the potty humour in his books due to complaints he's received, and what it's like to consistently create from a childlike viewpoint.
— Produced by Chris Trowbridge