Animal rights; Mintzberg on "rebalancing society"; Stiller & Meara; Dying in Switzerland; ALEC

Should animals have rights similar to human rights? - Michael's Essay: (00:00:25)
Here's an excerpt : "Animals are sentient and self-aware and they can suffer pain. It is not as far-fetched as one might think. Several European countries have taken up the cause of animals. In India, the Kerala High Court decreed that circus animals were entitled to a dignified existence within the meaning of the Indian constitution. In 2014, Quebec amended its Civil Code to say that animals were more than property, that they were sentient beings."
Money and politics part 1 - Henry Mintzberg: (00:04:51) Management guru Henry Mintzberg says Western society has become deeply unbalanced. Our politics, economy and social policy are dominated by the interests of the private sector, while governments shrink in size and influence and the public interest goes unheeded. Where Professor Mintzberg sees hope, is in what he calls the plural sector: the world of non-profits, NGOs and social movements that are collectively owned, or owned by no one. His new book is called Rebalancing Society.
Stiller & Meara: (00:36:07) Anne Meara, who died on Saturday at the age of 85, was half of one of the most successful male-female comedy acts of all time. Jerry Stiller was her comedic partner, and her husband for 61 years. Stiller & Meara made hundreds of appearances on-stage and on TV throughout the 60's and 70's. We play perhaps their best-known skit, "Computer Dating", based on their own relationship. She - tall, Irish and Catholic; he - short and Jewish.
Documentary - This Was Her Time: (00:43:07) CBC producer Jaela Bernstien brings us the story of two sisters, different in almost every way, whose love for each other carried them through an agonizing experience. Kathy was in constant pain, and decided to die in Switzerland. Lesley agreed to stay by her side, right to the end. Jaela's documentary is called, "This Was Her Time."
Money and politics part 2 - The United States of ALEC: (01:04:14) We'll take a look at one of the most influential political organizations in the U.S. - one that few people know about. It's called ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is almost entirely funded by giant corporations, like Koch Industries. And it doesn't just sway public policy, it seats politicians and big business at the same table, to draft laws. Michael talks with Lisa Graves, Executive Director for the Center for Media and Democracy in Madison, Wisconsin.