Money and politics part 1 - Henry Mintzberg

One hears a lot about balance in politics these days. About finding the right balance between the economy and environmental protections. The right balance between security and civil liberties. The right balance between the rights of victims of crime, and compassion and rehabilitation for the offender. The right balance between tax cuts and government spending, and a balanced budget. It might not take a great deal of cynicism to suggest that after the political calculations have been done, the balance rarely works out to 50-50. Henry Mintzberg argues, in fact, that our politics, economy, culture, society and institutions are wildly out of balance, and the result is corporate might, diminished government and a demoralized, disempowered populace.
In a slim, but weighty book called Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right and Centre Henry Mintzberg calls for a new social, economic and political equilibrium, one that would benefit people, the planet and the political process itself. Henry Mintzberg is the Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University. He's the author of 18 books and 160 articles. He's an Officer of Order of Canada, and among his many other honours, he was named Distinguished Scholar of the Year by the Academy of Management in 2000.