Saluting the losers; Trudeau father and son; Poem for an election; Elizabeth May; Margaret MacMillan

Michael's essay: A salute to the losers:
Michael pays homage to all the people who ran for political office, even if the odds were heavily stacked against them.
Just watch him - How much is Justin Trudeau like his famous father? As we look ahead to another Trudeau government, we explore the similarities and differences, the influences and the contradictions between former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his son, Prime Minister-Designate Justin Trudeau. Michael's guests are Trudeau biographer and former Liberal MP John English, and Toronto Star senior political writer Susan Delacourt.
Elegy for a campaign: Our election poet laureate Lorna Crozier reflects on the country's recent soul-searching exercise,from the perspective of a forest on Canada's west coast.
Elizabeth May on winning, losing and how you play the game: The leader of the Green Party emerged with Canadians' respect and affection, but not very many of their votes. Many are even asking why she doesn't just run for another party. Michael talks to Elizabeth May about her ability to influence a Trudeau government on climate policy, and her prescription for the Paris summit.
Margaret MacMillan on History's People: In a conversation with Michael, this year's CBC Massey lecturer takes a provocative look at the people who have helped to shape our world. She delves into their characters, the risks they took and sometimes, the diaries they kept.