Just watch him: How much is Justin Trudeau like his famous father?
As we look ahead to another Trudeau government, we explore the similarities and differences, the influences and the contradictions between former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his son, Prime Minister-Designate Justin Trudeau.

The election of Justin Trudeau establishes a political dynasty, the likes of which we have never seen in Canada. There have been fathers and sons in Canadian politics before - Paul Martin Senior and Junior, David and Stephen Lewis, Elmer and Peter MacKay, for example - but this is the first time the son of a former prime minister has ascended to Canada's highest office.
As we look ahead to another Trudeau government, we explore the similarities and differences, the influences and the contradictions between former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his son, Prime Minister-Designate Justin Trudeau. Michael's guests are Trudeau biographer and former Liberal MP John English, and Toronto Star senior political writer Susan Delacourt.