The police and the public; 100 Days of Trudeau; Small green island; Robert's Rules of the Piano

Police authority depends on public support - Michael's essay:
Polls this week show an erosion of public support for the police. Michael reminds us of the principles set out by British Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel, when he founded the first urban police force. Principle Number Two reads, "The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public support of police actions."
A "100 days" report card on our new Prime Minister: 100 days into Justin Trudeau's government, we reconvene our panel of women from across Canada to assess its performance so far. They tackle the government's promises on Syrian refugees, aboriginal affairs, poverty, energy, climate change, gender equity and much more. Michael's guests are Angela Robertson, Executive Director of Queen West - Central Toronto Community Health Centre, Eve-Lyne Couturier, columnist for Le Journal de Montréal, Pam Palmater, Chair for Indigenous Governance at Ryerson University, and a member of the Eel River Bar First Nation in New Brunswick, and Ruth Kelly, editor-in-chief of Alberta Venture and Alberta Oil.
Lessons from a small, very green, island - a Karin Wells documentary: Denmark has declared that it will be completely free of fossil fuels by 2050. There will be no more coal-burning electricity plants, no more diesel trucks, no more oil furnaces. Karin takes us to Samso, an island of farmers and middle class professionals, which is the testing ground for many forms of renewable energy. Karin's documentary is called, "Green Island."
Robert's Rules of the Piano - Lesson 1: Robert Harris says he can teach Michael the rudiments of that glorious instrument. He promises he and Michael will play a duet together, after just 6 on-air lessons.