Galileo Moments

They've been called "Galileo moments" - the places where science and religion clash, leaving people on either side feeling angry, threatened, or misunderstood.
James Krupa is a biology professor at University of Kentucky who isn't trying to shatter anyone's faith - he just wants his students to understand that evolution is real.
Mandisa Thomas is part of a minuscule minority: She is an African-American atheist living the the southern U.S. In surveys, most African-Americans say they believe -- with certainty -- that God exists. When Mandisa Thomas was growing up, in New York City, religion wasn't such a big deal, but when she moved to Atlanta …
Karl Giberson is a Christian with a PhD in physics. He's the author of Saving the Original Sinner: How Christians Have Used the Bible's First Man to Oppress, Inspire, and Make Sense of the World. He says believing in Adam is a line in the sand for evangelicals. And he can relate: there was a time for him when Adam WAS a real-life human being: